Prepless Veneers in McLean: A Comfortable Application
You want a star-studded smile, and oftentimes that comes as a result of porcelain veneers. But did you know there are alternatives to standard porcelain veneers? Ones that look fantastic while offering shorter visits, custom shapes and a conservative and comfortable application with zero tooth reduction?
Traditional veneers require tooth re-shaping and the removal of some tooth restructure. Dr. Han, however, is certified to offer prepless veneers to patients. These porcelain veneers are thinner than traditional veneers, so they can be directly bonded to teeth without appearing bulky.
Thin Prepless Veneers
- Prepless means no tooth reduction
- Tooth structure is preserved and enhanced
- Are customized for your individual smile
- Allow for comfortable appointments
- Are fully reversible
Prepless veneers can change your entire face by gently reshaping your smile. If you want to feel like a completely refreshed person, prepless veneers are the choice for you!
Dr. Han, McLean dentist, loves prepless veneers because unlike other prepless veneers, they are customized to you. You won’t get a cookie cutter smile makeover, but you will walk out of our office with your smile – revitalized, beautiful and stunning with natural aesthetics. It will also take less time between visits, and your appointments will be short and comfortable.
For an amazing makeover with veneers, McLean, Great Falls, Tyson’s Corner, Vienna, Oakton, Fairfax and Arlington patients should consider naturally beautiful prepless veneers by Dr. Han!
Dr. Daniel Sok Woong Han provides comprehensive dentistry for prepless veneers in McLean for Great Falls, Tyson’s Corner, Vienna, Oakton, Falls Church, Fairfax and Arlington, VA.